Here are a few definitions Understanding Education According to the experts include the notion of education according M.J. Langeveld and Educational Goals by prof dr Langeveld and Understanding of education according Driyarkara

1. Definition of education by M.J. Langeveld
Education is an attempt to guide human adult human immature to maturity. Education is the attempt to help the child to carry out the tasks of his life, to be independent, coming-baliq, and moral responsibility. Education is an attempt to achieve self-determination of decency and responsibility.

2. Purpose of Education by prof dr Langeveld
Maturation itself, with its characteristics, namely: in maturity, emotional maturity, self-esteem, attitudes and behaviors that can be followed as well as the ability of self-evaluation. Skill or independent attitude, which can be marked at least dependence on others and always trying to find something without seeing another person.

3. Definition of education according Driyarkara
Education is defined as an attempt to humanize a young man or a young man appointment to the human level. (Driyarkara, Driyarkara About Education Foundation Canisius, Yogyakarta, 1950, hlm.74.)

4. Definition of education by Stella van Petten Henderson
Education is kombinasai of growth and human development with social heritage. Kohnstamm and Gunning (1995): Education is the formation of conscience. Education is a process of self-formation and self-determination in an ethical manner, conformed to the conscience.

5. Definition of education, according to John Dewey (1978)
Aducation is all one with growing; it has no end beyond itself. (Education is everything together with growth; education itself does not have the ultimate goal behind him).

6. Understanding of education according H.H Horne
In a broad sense, education is a device by which social groups continue to exist renew themselves and maintain his ideals. Carter V. Good education is the process of skills development in the form of a person's attitudes and behaviors that prevail in society. Social process in which a person is affected by something that guided environment (especially in schools) so yeah can attain social skills and develop his personality.

7. Definition of education according Thedore Brameld
The term education contains extensive functionality of the breeder and the improvement of life of a community, especially bringing community members who are new to shared responsibility in society. So education is a process that is more extensive than the process that takes place inside school. Education is a social activity that allows people to stay there and grow. In complex societies, this educational function specialization and institutionalized experience with formal education who always keep in touch with the process of informal education outside of school).
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