Understanding Political Education is the term 'political education' is a term often used by practitioners of community empowerment to describe any process conducted within the framework of improving social awareness of the political dynamics that occur.
Definition of Political Education According to the Experts
However, in the literature are rarely found in standard definition of the term "political education". If the term "education" is defined as described in the section above, and "political" as Miriam difinisikan Budiardjo (1988: 8),
"Politics is an assortment of activities within a political system (or state) concerning the process of defining the objectives of the system and implement those goals. Decision-making on whether the objectives of the political system, among several alternatives regarding the selection and preparation of the priorities of the objectives that have been it. " Key concepts in politics is; state, power, decision-making, discretion, and the distribution or allocation.
Then it can be a simple definition that political education is a device by which social groups continue to exist are updating themselves and defend his ideals in the face of a wide variety of activities in a political system with different objectives. Simply put, is any effort made by certain groups in society to liberate humanity from poverty's pent-up social to then contribute to the political process is going on, especially on issues related directly to the interest of his life.
In the realm of classical political theory, Machiavelli stated that political education should be given to people "who do not know". Political education are interpreted not as a political education negatively about a hater of tyrants, but a positive education, which is given to those who recognize the importance of such education, even if such education is an instrument of tyranny which pursues a certain advantage (Gramsci, 2001: 17). Rusadi Kantaprawira (1977: 54) states that education is one of the functions of the political structures in society. With a "leveler" political education with political socialization, Kantaprawira defining political education in an effort to improve people's political knowledge, and ultimately the people can participate optimally in the political system. The political education can be held, among others, through:
The materials that can be read (readable, legible), such as newspapers, magazines, and other publications that are mass and which could form a general opinion,
Broadcasts can be heard (audible) and television and movies that can be seen and heard (audio-visual nature),
Institutions, associations in the community such as mosques and churches were preaching, and possibly also through formal or informal education.
Function of Political Education
Almond and Coleman, as quoted by Rusadi Kantaprawira (1977: 56) writes about the function of political education in the political structure, that "present in every political system are the methods of recruitment and political training that cause us to ask how people are recruited and promoted to directions roles and political orientations in the political system different? Or a function of recruitment and socialization. "
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Meanwhile, according to Mansour Fakih (1999: 5), political education is any attempt to deliver critical awareness to respect for human beings against human rights, including women's rights, children's rights, cultural and political rights of the mino-rity, rights disability rights, and other human rights. He also mentioned the attitude that there is a correlation between respect for human rights and a democratic political system. Environmental education will encourage critical democratic political system that will give birth to people who menghar-gai human rights, but difficult to realize a democratic society by education model authoritarian-totalitarian degrading of human rights. Therefore, building a social and political system is democratic only be realized by a system of political education critical. In other words, to realize the socio-political system of democratic, political education is critically needed. In Erwin Sugiarto, op.cit. page 27
Political education is an integral part of political socialization, both conceptually and in practice, because the elements contained in the political education can be assumed to be equal to the elements contained in the political socialization. These elements include;
Understanding Political Education
1. Political values, which are defined by Frans Bona Sihombing (1984: 27) as;
A set of estimates or calculations given above political policies.
The policies that have been forecasted that faced with the realities of politics, so it begs the question; political actions what should be done?
Political measures that should be implemented are increased to a political imperative. Political imperative in the sense to consider through what is good and what is right ended with a decision that the political imperative to be done because that is what we recommend.
Which should preferably be carried out it is advancing
Which should preferably be carried out and promote it should be applied in the form of behavior that is determined by the nature of the culture of a nation.
Applications in the form of behavior that raises the level of change which is useful.
Changes beneficial it includes anything that may be important from an interest in the political possibilities.
Read Understanding Comparative Politics According to the Experts
2. Knowledge of politics.
Jack Dennis formulate political knowledge in three variables, namely; knowledge of the government, knowledge of the rules of politics, and knowledge about the environment and society. (Suwondo, 1998: 11) Meanwhile, Kurniati Country (1993: 2) argues that "political knowledge means everything that is known with regard to the various activities within a political system, which includes knowledge of the destination country, state agencies and other -other".
3. Political
According Sudijono Sastroatmojo (1995: 4), the political attitudes is readiness to react to certain objects of a political nature, as a result of the appreciation of the object. Attitude is not an act of activity, but it just is a tendency of a certain attitude, and can be expected to act what will be done with respect to the objects in question. According to Alfian, behavior and political lahu is a person's tendency to act (silence is also an attitude) towards a situation. If someone feels compelled to change the atmosphere has been far from democratic to become more democratic, that too will reflect political attitudes and behavior. Ibid., P 29
Attitudes and political behavior of the contested-Tukan by what is contained in her, like idealism, intelligence, biological factors, the heart's desire, also by the atmosphere, the culture, the statehood, political, social, economic and so on.
In other words, as stated by Haryanto, political education is a clear manifestation of political socialization. In kontekstualisasinya with functions of political parties as a means of socialization and political education, both intended to improve knowledge and political awareness of members, cadres or sympathizers. These include efforts to improve the knowledge of the people about their political rights in the state of life (Naning Mardiniah, et al., 2004: 102).
Political education is also closely related to the development of high political culture. The political culture in question, as stated by Gabriel A. Almond and Sidney Verba, an orientation typical attitude of citizens towards the political system and a variety of parts and attitudes towards the role of citizens in the system. With this orientation, they assess and question places their role in the political system. (Didi Turmuzi, 2004: 2)
Attitudes of individuals and communities in the political system, obviously Almond and Verba, can be measured using three components: cognitive, affective, and evaluative. The cognitive component, for example the level of a person's knowledge about the development of the political system, the bureaucratic elite, the policies are taken, and symbols are owned by the political system. Affective component talked about aspect of the feeling of a typical citizen of the aspects of certain political system that makes accept or reject the political system. While in the evaluative component, the orientation of citizens determined by the moral evaluation that indeed he had. In the context of political education linkages with the political culture of this addition, different opinions written by
M. Panggabean, stating that political education is "how a nation's political culture transfer from generation to generation later". In this case, the definition of political culture is the "whole of values, beliefs empirical and expressive emblem which determines the creation of situations in which political activity is held. (In Ramdlon Naning, ed., 1984: 1) Ramsji Tadjuddin added that the principles underlying the implementation of political education is;
cultural educative, in the form of coaching is based on the cultural values espoused local communities;
democratic in its implementation;
integralistik with programs in other fields;
bring welfare benefits;
done gradually, in stages, and sustainable;
does not interfere with the safety and political stability.
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