Understanding PendidikanPengertian Education According to the Experts
Understanding that education is a thing we should also need to know to add to our knowledge terhadal things are always related to our daily lives - today, because we always go through the process of education so that account that we as actors have to understand also what the notion of education itself.

Definition of education is not just to be in the know understand sheer but by then trying to run perosesnya based on what is stated in terms of education. We too often see a variety of real events that tarnished the good name of the school may be one reason is because they did not control the value - the value of what is interpreted in the words of education itself.

Understanding related to Education Experts have expressed their opinion of each - each about what it penertian education, but before kependapat the Experts, we will discuss about the word education itself:

Said Education based KBI derived from the word 'student' and then got the suffix 'pe' and the suffix 'an', then this word has the meaning of a process or method or act of educating.

Said Education also comes from the ancient Greek language that the word "pedagogy" basic word "Paid" which berartikan "Children" and also "said Ogogos" means "guide". of some of the words we conclude pedagos word in the Greek is the science that studies the art of educating the Child.

By definition language education is the process of changing attitudes and code of conduct of a person or group of people in a mature business man through the efforts of the teaching and training according to the procedure of education itself.

Then we continue on the law on their education, According to Law No. 20 2003 understanding of education is an effort that is done consciously and planned to create an atmosphere of learning and the learning process so that learners are actively developing the potential for him to have spiritual powers, religious, personality development, self-control, intelligence, character, and skills needed him, society, nation and state. Act - legislation that is the basis berdidirinya educational process in the State Indonesia.

Definition of education according to the experts, before we take the opinion of the educational philosophy of the west, then we take the notion of education based on what is conveyed by the father of the Indonesian National Education Ki Hajar Dewantara, he has explained about the notion of education as follows:
"Education is the demand in the life of the children were growing, while that is, education that leads all the forces of nature that exist in children, so that they are as human beings and as members of society it can reach salvation and happiness as high." Ki Hajar Dewantara ,

Understanding the definition of education or the opinion of another expert, namely:

Definition of education by: Prof. Dr. M.J Langeveld:
"Education is the provision of guidance and spiritual help to those who still need it."

Prof. Zaharai an Expert epistimologi Idris expressed his opinion on the definition of education is:
"Education is a series of communication activities aimed at, among adult human with the students in person or by using the media in order to provide assistance to the development of the whole child".

understanding of education according to H. Horne:
"Education is a process that is done continuously from a higher adjustment for the human beings who have evolved physically and mentally, which is free and conscious to vtuhan, as manifested in the nature around the intellectual, emotional and humanity of human beings".

Pengertan education according to Ahmad D. Marimba:
He also believes that education is a "guidance or leadership consciously by educators there was development of physical and spiritual well-educated towards the establishment of a major personality".

Recently Understanding Education According to John Dewey:
"Education is the process of establishing the fundamental abilities intellectually and emotionally toward nature and fellow human beings".

From the opinions that have been submitted by the experts above, we can conclude under the definition of education is the process of counseling, coaching or help given by an adult to a child's development to reach maturity with the aim that the child is able to carry out the task his own life self is not too dependent on help from others.

Education actors in my opinion as the author of this article, can be done by anyone as long as the person has a common sense, we can not limit only adults who can provide education to children, because the child shall actually also able to provide a good education in the form of knowledge or experience to adults over can be believed is valid.

Slightly leads to the word "educator" itself the experts also shared some categories of people who play a role in education as follows:

Educators are those who bear the responsibility to educate. Dwi Nugroho Hidayanto, an inventory that sense educators include: Adults, Parents, teachers, community leaders, leaders or religious leaders.

Under the rules that apply to become an educator in need of characters as follows:
self-stable maturity, self-understanding, self-contained, and has human values.

social maturity is stable, has a sufficient knowledge of the community, and have the ability to foster cooperation with others.
Professional maturity (ability to educate), which is paying attention and love attitude towards the students and have sufficient knowledge about the background of pupils and development, have proficiency in using the means of educating.
While in sisilain an educator who also once served as a teacher should be able to give it - matters relating to the education of their students, among roles should run a teacher or educator:

grantor or pengagas plan, as penginisiasi, as a motivator for the students, as an observer, pengantipasi, evaluators, as a friend and as guardians of their students.
Similarly, a review of understanding of both the origin of education, by language or by what is presented by the experts, may sense this study may provide additional insight into us all more widely.
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