definitions Education

definitions Education

World Category: Education

Definition / understanding of education. Education is an obligation that we must gues since birth. Because of education then we will know a lot of insight in the world in this life.

The development of education along with the development era caused a lot mindset regarding the definition or understanding of education, ranging from the common mindset to become more modern and this greatly affected the progress of education, especially in Indonesia. There are various concepts of education experts who express definition or understanding of real education to achieve the goal of true education. To further understand the notion of education, following [db] quotes from definition of education and understanding of education according to the expert, as the material of our knowledge, especially about the world of education.

understanding Education

Wikipedia, education is a conscious and deliberate effort to create an atmosphere of learning and the learning process so that learners are actively developing the potential for him to have the spiritual power of religion, self-control, personality, intelligence, character, and skills needed him and society.

Indonesian Dictionary, 1991: 232, Education comes from the students, then this word prefix word got me so into educating means nurture and exercise. In the nurture and training needed their teachings, and leadership demands of the character and intelligence of the mind.

According to the Greek: education comes from the Pedagogy namely paid word meaning children while guiding agogos which means that pedagogy can be interpreted as LMU and the art of teaching children.

According to Law No.20 of 2003 on National Education System, Education is a conscious and deliberate effort to create an atmosphere of learning and the learning process so that learners are actively developing the potential for him to have the spiritual power of religion, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character, and skills needed him, society, nation and state.

Understanding Education by Experts
1. John Dewey.
Education is the process of establishing fundamental abilities intellectually, emotionally toward nature and fellow humans

2. M.J. Longeveled
Education is a business, influence, protection and assistance given to children glued to maturity, or rather help children quite capably carry out the task his own life.

3. Thompson
Education is the influence of environment on individuals to make changes that remain in the behavioral habits, mind and nature.

4. Frederick J. Mc Donald
Education is a process or activity that is directed to change the character (behavior) of man.

5. H. Horne
Education is a continuous process of adjustment develop physically and mentally conscious and free to the Lord.

6. J.J. Russeau
Education is a debriefing that does not exist at the time of the children, but needed in adulthood.

7. Ki Hajar Dewantara
Education is an effort to advance the character, mind, and physical child in order to promote the fullness of life that life and turn the child in harmony with nature and society.

8. Ahmad D. Marimba
Education is a conscious guidance by the educator to the development of the physical and spiritual well-educated towards the establishment of a major personality.

9. Insan Kamil
Education is a systematic conscious effort to develop the existing potentials in man to be whole human beings.

10. Ivan Illc
Education is a learning experience that takes place in every neighborhood and throughout life.

11. Edgar Dalle
Education is a conscious effort made by the family, community, and government through the activities of guidance, instruction, and training, which took place in the school and outside the school lifelong to prepare learners to be playing a role in a variety of environmental fixed for the future come.

12. Hartoto
Education is a conscious effort, planned, systematic, and continuous in an effort to humanize humans.

13. Ngalim Purwanto
Education is all matters of adults in interaction with children for physical and spiritual development leads to maturity.

14. Driakara
Education is a young man or appointment humanize humans.

15. W.P. Napitulu
Education is an activity that is conscious, organized, and planned in the aim of changing behavior in the desired direction.

Of the various statements above can be deduced that Education is a conscious and deliberate effort to create an atmosphere of learning and learning or training so that learners can actively develop their potentials in order to have the spiritual strength of religious, emotional, self-control, personality, intelligence, and morals noble, as well as the skills needed him and society.

Hopefully, we know from the definition of education could be our motivation to further the spirit of the nation's children continues and continues to develop education Indonesia to always better.
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