This article discusses the notion of education. Education is the most important thing in one's life. Through education, a person can be considered respectable, have a good career and be able to act according the norms in force. Education is a conscious and deliberate effort ethically, systematic, intentional and creative where learners develop their potential, intelligence, self-control and skills to make himself useful in society.
understanding education
understanding education
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Developments in the world of education also has changed along with the times in which the mindset of educators changed from conservative to be more modern. This has implications for the methods of education in Indonesia. Responding to this, education experts gave critics to explain the theory pendidilkan events that reveal the true educational theory.
The purpose of education was to create a quality personal and have a character that has an extensive vision of the future to achieve the ideals envisioned and able to adapt efficiently in a variety of environments. So one concept of education itself is to the means of self-motivation to become better. Education can be started since the baby still in the womb as many people do with making music, reading to the baby still in the womb or engage her in conversation. This is done with the hope science can provide input to the baby before birth.
understanding education
Legislation national education system
Legislation national education system
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Definition of education according to the National Education Law no. 20 in 2003, is a conscious and deliberate effort to create an atmosphere of learning and the learning process in such a way so that learners can develop their potentials actively in order to have self-control, intelligence, skills in social, religious spiritual strength, personality and noble character. Indonesian dictionary explains that education is derived from the word "student" and got a suffix in the form of the prefix 'pe' and the suffix 'an' which means the process or how the act of educating. The definition of language education according to the change of behavior and attitude of a person or people in their efforts sekelokmpok human mature through training and teaching.
According to Mr. Pendidikan Indonesia, Ki Hadjar Dewantara, understanding that education in life growing demands of children who intend to lead all the forces of nature in children so that they as human beings and members of society can attain salvation and happiness as high.
Here's some sense of Education according to other experts:
Gunning and Kohnstamm
Education is a process of formation of conscience. A formation and self-determination in accordance with the ethical conscience
Charter. V. Good
The process of development of individual skills in the attitudes and behavior of society. Social process in which a person is affected by an organized environment, such as home or school, so as to achieve self-development and social skills
John Dewey
Education synergistic with growth and has no end other than itself
Theodore Brameld
Education has a broad function is as a protector and a life-changing society become better and guide new communities that recognize collective responsibility in the community. So education is a process that is broader than schooling period. Education is a process of continuous learning in the overall social activities so that people still exist and thrive.
H.H. Horne
In the broad spectrum, education is the means by which social groups continue to exist in affecting themselves and maintain their idealism
Stella van Petten Henderson
Understanding education is a combination of growth, personal development and social heritage
Martinus January Langeveld
Education is an attempt to help a child to be able to perform his duties independently in order to be responsible discretion. Education is a human effort in guiding human adult immature toward maturity.
M. J. Langevald
M. J. Langevald
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Encyclopedia Americana 1978
Education is a process used by each individual to acquire knowledge, insight and develop attitudes and skills.
From some education above it can be concluded that education is one of the forms of help or guidance given person is capable, mature and have the science to the development of others to reach maturity with the goal of personally trained to have skills sufficient to perform all their needs are independent.
The function of education
Educational institutions have some real functions namely
Instill the necessary skills to take part in democracy
Developing the talents of each person for the sake of personal and community
Preparing members of the public to be able to earn a living
preserving culture
Reducing parental control. Through the mechanism of education in schools, parents delegate the powers and duties of educating children at school
understanding education
Someone get an education will get a lot of knowledge and broaden
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As a means to accommodate disagreements as differences between the schools and the public about some particular value for example of openness, sex education, etc.
Keeping the system of social class. School education are as a means students move into a stage which in turn can have a social status that is equal to or higher than their parents. At school are also taught to accept differences and status in the community
Education schools are also considered capable of extending the person's adolescence because students were deemed to be psychologically and financially dependent on their parents
David Popenoe
David Popenoe
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According to one expert, David Popenoe, education has the functions associated with the development of receptions social person as a source of social innovation, a means of teaching about the various shades and culture personalities, the transmission of culture, guaranteeing social integration and voting and teach a variety of roles in social life. Expected in the future one can become a person who is sensitive to social life in the vicinity.
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