Overview of Education in United States

Overview of Education in United States

Overview of Education in United States

American education system offers many options for international students. When you start searching the internet, students are sometimes overwhelmed in selecting a university that will be addressed, what programs are selected, as well as the location.

Therefore, it is important to know the educational system in America, far-away days and even months before you left for America. Understanding of the system will help you to narrow down the choices of study and build your study plan.

If the general education system in America is very open-ended. In Asia such as Hong Kong, or even Indonesia, you only learn what the teacher wrote on the blackboard and slide presentations. In America, you discuss the issues and focusing on a lot of ideas.

4 Reasons Why Study in the USA

1. Best Education in the World

Education in the United States is one of the best education systems in the world. You can find a wide range of institutions with a variety of interesting programs in the United States.

Higher education institutions in the United States offers many flexible learning programs and multifunctional tailored to the needs of international students. You can always change your program to suit the career field want your field, or take a combination of courses to match your interests.

Lectures in America provides many opportunities for students to conduct research, practice teaching techniques and training. Compared with other countries, America produced many leaders in the medical field, technology and science.

According to the Times Higher Education World University Rankings in 2012 - 2013, the United States has 15 universities that entered the top 20 universities in the world, where the California Institute of Technology ranked first and Stanford University ranked second.

2. Its territory Broad and Diverse

Besides studying various theories and learning materials in the classroom, the US education system are very concerned with the quality of social life by offering students many extra-curricular activities outside the classroom. From various clubs in the social, cultural to sports, there are many choices of activities for students, where they had the opportunity to mingle with other students.

Although located in a single country, the states of the United States has a great view, citizens and different values. From the city of New York is a busy and vibrant, to the desert of Nevada, and from the beaches and amusement parks in Florida to the mountains of Alaska, United States of America is a rich country with a variety of scenery and lifestyle. It would be nice if you take advantage of your college days to explore the areas that interest you.

3. Increase Mutual Understanding Between Different Cultures

The United States is evidence that various human who comes from hundreds of countries could come together and live in harmony and harmonious. How could this happen? That's because the government firmly establish the various laws protecting human rights of assembly, religion and culture ..

4. Learning Coexistence One Another

With the experience of studying abroad, many Indonesian students whose lives are no longer like the frog in the shell. In books written by scholars, overseas, many fantastic experiences of how humans can live alongside each other.

For example, there is a female Muslim students who wear the hijab fear of being subjected to discrimination for schools in the United States. But apparently it did not happen. In fact, his friends always remind him to prayer 5 times. The fear is an illusion.

Tuition fee

Indeed, the cost of studying in the United States are not as cheap as in Australia. America is a bit expensive. But if you can plan your finances well, not impossible with a mediocre funds you can go to college there. If the cost of living we have discussed above, the following are the components that need to be prepared when you're planning a college in the United States. Tuition that the average spent per year in the United States is approximately ± US $ 17.500 to 25.000.

10 Best Universities in the USA

In the United States a lot of universities with the best quality level of the world. Each campus certainly has advantages of each. However, if calculated in outline, the following list of the 10 best universities in the United States in 2014:
Princeton University
Harvard University
Yale University
Columbia University
Stanford University
University of Chicago
University of Pennsylvania
Duke University
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Dartmouth College
California Institute of Technology

PPI in the USA

In contrast to the PPI in other countries, PPI in the United States called the Permias. as mentioned in the founding of the first Permias organization in Washington D.C. on December 24, 1961. In terms of organization, Permias have differences with the PPI, but in psychological, both alike stand to overshadow Indonesian university students who attend school outside Indonesia.

Permias Indonesia is divided by state, but some may have more than one Permias in the state if the state broad or has more than one college popular, and the distance is not near so it was not possible for students who live far away the to be contained in one Permias.

Besides Permias, at universities in the US are also known discipleship organization called ISA (Indonesian Student Association) is almost the same as PPI or other Indonesian Student Association. Usually an ISA only houses a university or college, while Permias wider scope to house multiple schools at once, both the universities and schools of pre-university (college).

type Scholarship

If you want to go to college in America, but is constrained by costs, the following could perhaps be the right information. Here are some alternative scholarships offered by the United States government to the students of Indonesia:

The Fulbright Program
The Fulbright Program was established in the USA in 1946 and aims to strengthen the understanding and communication between the United States and other countries to fund a variety of educational exchanges.

Humphrey Fellowships
Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program provides ten months of professional enrichment and non-degree study in the United States graduate level to mid-level professionals based leadership potential and demonstrated commitment to public service.

Study of the U.S. Institutes (SUSI)
US Institutional Studies (SUSI) is a short-term academic programs to groups of scholars, faculty, or student leaders from around the world.

East-West Center Fellowships
a. New Generation Seminar
New Generation Seminar Program (NGS) is a program that brings together 12-14 quality leaders from the Asia Pacific region and the US to follow the dialogue and study tour for two weeks. The program is funded by the Freeman Foundation of Stowe, Vermont, and aims to build a common understanding of regional issues and develop professional networks and to cultivate skills in the lead in their respective fields.

b. Scholarships East-West Center Visiting Fellows Program
The scholarship program East-West Center (EWC) Visiting Fellows program is an opportunity for scholars to conduct research and mepublikasikan the results of studies in collaboration with the EWC staff, for research projects related to several areas of research study programs.

c. Asia Pacific Leadership Program
Asia Pacific Leadership Program (APLP) is the best leadership education program in Asia Pacific and is an excellent program at the East-West Center. This program connects the in-depth analysis of the various disciplines on regional issues emerging with leadership education that is based on various experiences.

d. Scholarship Program East-West Center Graduate Degree Fellowship
Scholarship Program East-West Center Graduate Degree Fellowship provides funding to pursue doctoral and masters for scholars S1 and S2 from Asia, the Pacific, and the United States through educational programs and research in the East-West Center (EWC) while carry out studies S2 or S3 at the University of Hawai'i.

e. Ford Foundation International Fellows Program
As an innovative educational programs offered by the East-West Center, the International Fellowships Program (IFP) targeting selected individuals who come from the marginalized in developing countries. As part of the effort that is designed and supported by the Ford Foundation, IFP members selected from social groups who live outside the metropolitan city center, which historically have limited access to higher education and the opportunity to learn English.

f. East West Center Affiliate Program Scholars
East West Center Affiliate Student Scholars Program was established to provide an opportunity for participants to engage in programs of the East-West Center (EWC). This program provides the opportunity for undergraduate students in the University of Hawai'i at Manoa (UHM), both of which already received scholarships from other institutions as well as the finance college itself, to fully participate in education programs EWC and international students living in his dorm.
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