System Management Education
Education management systems in South Korea carried out by the government. Power and authority delegated to the minister pendidikan.Kebijakan minister held up in the autonomous region. In the area there is the education council (board ofeducation). In each of the provinces and special areas (Seoul Busam dn), each education board consists of seven members elected by the autonomous regions, of five elected and two others are ex officio positions; held by a special local mayor or provincial governor and super intendent, Board of Education chaired by the mayor or the governor.
The government has the management of the national educational system that comes adri allocation of state budget funds. South Korea's education budget comes from the State budget, with a total budget of 18.9% of the State budget. In 1995 there were 9-year compulsory education policy, so forsi biggest budget allocated for this. The source of the cost of education, derived from the GNP to education, education tax, financial education area, special industrial world for vocational education.
Education system in korea is 6 years old elementary school, three years of junior high school, three years of high school and four years of university, generally consisting of 6-3-3-4. For elementary and junior high schools all costs borne by the government for 9 years.
The education system from pre-school to university is divided into two semesters per year. If completed the first semester of the school will be closed the entire month in the summer. When finished the second half and before the start of the new semester will be closed in winter and spring season for two months. For low-income families, such as farmers and fishermen usually usiannya children 5 years of educational assistance. When children want to pursue the pre-school education, teachers in schools that would give direct consultation after it had received the students at the school. Kids aged 6 years from 1 January allowed entry into primary school, Korea has calculations for the year of birth and the child's birth will be counted as 1 years old to 6 years of age so we think the Indonesian people then in korea is 7 years old.
Study and Education Line
As with education in other countries, including Indonesia. Education in South Korea implemented in several levels, namely the level of primary education (primary education), secondary education (secondary education) and higher education (high education). Primary education in South Korea are required for children aged 6 to 14 years. At the primary education level, the process carried out in kindergartens and primary schools. Secondary education in south Korea should ideally be implemented for 6 years, which is three years in secondary schools (equivalent to junior high school in Indonesia) and upper school (equivalent to high school in Indonesia). At the level of secondary education, the process implemented vocational schools (equivalent to vocational schools in Indonesia). In addition, the age-old middle school and high school children South Korea carry out some additional education, namely through specific courses. Higher education in South Korea carried out through the activities of lectures at several universities, both public and private universities which number around 330 universities. As for some of the leading universities in South Korea, among others, Korea University (Korea University), Seoul National University (Seoul National University), Ewha University (Ewha Women's University), and Yonsei University (Yonsei University).
Elementary education starting from grade one to grade six if there is no special thing every year could grade. Types of primary schools are also divided by 2 is public and private. Pendidikanya same period the difference is only in the specific program and the private school must pay tuition. Compulsory education in Korea is up to junior high and it is free of charge, to the high school level school fees became the responsibility of the individual. Korea alone has 2 children only enough rules in advance. So this time they will lack the younger generation in the future. For that they give rules for families who have more than 2 children, then each child will be given a monthly allowance. In each class for the junior class has a guardian who will pay attention to the life and steer their students, and for each lesson has a faculty different. Their subjects consist of Korean language, moral, social, moral, mathematics, science, sports, music, arts, crafts, English. In each semester there are two exams for evaluation, the results will be sent to their respective homes. Stepping in grade 3, grades and abilities of students will be considered to continue to the high school, at the moment the homeroom will provide advice and guidance for those continuing to SMU.
For high school education consists of three parts, namely the General puff School, Secondary School of Economics and the School of Special puff. In general secondary schools studied subjects required for college admission. Secondary School of Economics given subject is a subject that needed to come to work. Special High School is a school that provides specialized skills such as field scince or foreign language, sports and others. If graduated from high school students to work or go to college.
Universities in Korea is divided into two, namely, education period 4 years and 2 years, mostly to learn the basics of the subjects of vocational skills, different from the past 4 years of education were studied scientifically. Seseuai with basic Tuhuan University is divided into the Public University, niversitas Vocational and Special University. Universities Vocational eg, education, communication, accounting, engineering. Special universities include taxation, police and military academies. When will enter the University in general, determined the value of each year of high school and exams abilities and talents. Although they can be entered into the University by 2 to the value of selecting the students a slightly different way in every university because each university has specific requirements. If the foreign master could take the special filter foreign students.
Curriculum and Learning
Reform of the educational curriculum in korea, conducted since 1970 by coordinating learning techniques in the classroom and technology utilization, while that which is done by teachers, includes five steps: (1) planning instruction, (2) Diagnosis pupil (3) guide students learn a variety of programs, (4) test and assess learning outcomes. At secondary school level is not held of entrance, this is due to the policy of "equal accessibility" to a secondary school in the area.
Now Korea mengimplementasikam educational curriculum with emphasis on provision granting competence to the world of work and prepare the knowledge and skills to continue the next kejenjang. The curriculum was developed by the board of education / school in accordance with the characteristics of the learning environment, students, and the area with regard to the development of global dimensions. Both the country and private schools have kutikulumyang relatively the same, more to teach self-reliance, creativity and socializing with the environment. Teaches about everyday life and the development of science and technology.
Schools were given the freedom to add local curriculum in accordance student interests and conditions of each area, with a selection of local curriculum directed to the issue: agriculture, fisheries, and Technology, which is able to bring the students to have the creativity, especially for life. For the case of south korea on local curriculum implementation is very different from Indonesia, the average insert local curriculum "is not" directly related to the fulfillment of the dignity of life of students, such as the local curriculum is confined to the local language / foreign language, art and others , which is not based on the desire of students and local conditions.
South Korea is obsessed with education. Education really emphasized to students like crazy. How hard do students learn? During their school years and sometimes even for years, students go to school from 8 am to midnight. This is because after they finish school, they have to attend special education to try to improve their academic performance. They prioritized to prepare for college entrance exams are very strict, which many support their future.
Learning in Higher Education guarantees the opportunity employment opportunities. In Korea, if it makes a prestigious university, will get a good chance to get a good job information. A good university mahsiswamemasuki not only guarantees their individual economic circumstances, but also reflects the reputation of the parents. In Korean culture, the most important considerations for a leader not a personality or work experience, but at the University of what people learn. Korea has a high school graduation rate of 97%, this is the highest recorded in developed countries. It is interesting to note that 80% of schools in korea allow corporal punishment.
South Korean children are the most unhappy, according a study among developed countries, because of stress due to the pressure of education is very high in the country. South Korea is in the lowest position among the 30 countries in the level of satisfaction of children with their lives, according to the Ministry of Health South Korea, followed by Romania and Poland. Factors most relevant in life satisfaction of children is stressful academic, followed by school violence, addiction Internet, neglect and violence cyberspace, "according to the ministry on a survey conducted on more than 4,000 households with children younger than 18 year.
World Bank chief Jim Yong Kim, who was born in South Korea, said the education system has given a heavy burden on the shoulders of children, with a focus on competition and the long study hours. More than half of children aged between 15 and 19 years old who want to commit suicide called the academic performance and university entrance exams as the reason, according to the National Statistics Korea.
The parental South Korea known to put the children to school to study until late at night, and began teaching English in kindergarten. South Korea also had a poor performance in the index restrictions on children, which includes child poverty and time for hobbies and school or club activities. The country is in the lowest position, after Hungary and Portugal.
Other conditions that can be learned in terms of educators / teachers, which the country is to become an elementary school teacher only in the 1990s to be D-II and for the secondary school diploma 4. This condition should be compared with Indonesia, especially ten years back, the teacher SD we only storied high school / SPG and only a small portion of the same level PGSD D-II, which is now after most had qualified new D-II PGSD started to move to S1 PGSD, because of the demands of Teachers and Lecturers Law in 2005. So in terms of background elementary teacher education course we've lagged approximately 20-50 years compared with South Korea Not to mention the problem of career, where the country has been implementing a certification system for teachers rather old, while secondary school teachers (junior / senior high school) in Korea should require background S2 / S3 with special studies or field of study, unlike the case in Indonesia that sometimes one teacher can teach anything, even not strange when religious teachers to teach mathematics, etc., and vice versa. Given that education is "central point" in reciprocation of the condition of the nation, for it is already selayaknyalah education budget must be considered seriously and most importantly also guarantee the welfare of teachers as a soldier was its leadership, so that teachers can take pride in their duties.
Agustiar Shah Nur, (2001), Comparison of the educational system , Bandung: Lubuk Court. Nanag Fattah. (1996). Education Management runway . Bandung: PT
Al-Baghdadi, Abdurrahman. 1996. The Education System in the Period of the Islamic Khilafah. Bangil-
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South Korea