How to Grow Hair Balding - Hair is the crown that was instrumental in one's appearance. Some people will feel less confident if it finds problems around the hair. Call it like split ends, dandruff, hair loss and even lead to baldness.
Baldness typically attacking the men. Surveys show that almost 70% kebontakan occur in males. But even so, it does not mean a woman will not experience this problem. Some conditions such as cancer, hormone less stable, menses, pregnancy, etc. making women experience hair loss leads to baldness.
When the loosened certainly a lot to worry about, let alone hair loss experienced by a woman. Most of them chose to salon treatments and medication use for faster hair growth. But before you try it, it is better to apply some of the ways to grow hair naturally follows.
How to quickly grow hair naturally
Quick Ways to Grow Hair Balding Naturally Without Drugs
Although the natural way to grow hair tend to be complicated and long, but it's a problem I guarantee the results will not disappoint.
In addition to making hair grow dense, natural ingredients following will also make your hair more black, shiny, healthy and natural.
1. Coconut milk
Coconut milk has a natural mineral content is quite complete. Call it like folic acid, calcium, potassium, magnesium, and so forth. The nutritional content of this kind is quite useful to nourish the hair.
How to grow hair with coconut milk:
Prepare as much as 300-500 ml coconut milk, try fresh.
When finished shampooing and apply evenly throughout the milk was part of the scalp.
Cover with a warm towel approximately 30 menitan.
Rinse with cold water until clean.
Perform routine 3-4 times a week.
2. Yolk
Previous yolk is widely used for hair straightening . But after investigation, it turns out he has a protein content of animal that could strengthen the hair, nourish, and even nourish the roots.
How to nourish hair with egg yolk:
Prepare the chicken egg yolks.
Beat until fluffy, then apply throughout the hair.
To permeate let stand for 15-20 minutes.
Next rinse using cold water until clean. To eliminate the fishy smell should you wash it.
Perform routine 2-3 times a week after a shower.
3. Olive oil
I used to discuss the benefits of olive oil for hair , one of which can grow rapidly balding hair.
This can happen because olive oil contains all the vitamins needed for hair growth naturally.
How to grow hair balding with olive oil:
Provide the best quality olive oil to taste.
After bathing, apply the oil evenly throughout the hair.
Close warm towel for about 30 minutes.
Had the pervasiveness of cold water rinse.
This oil you can use regular 1 a day.
Note : For maximum results you can also mix the olive oil with coconut milk or egg yolk.
4. Coconut oil
Furthermore, we can use coconut oil. Some experts argue, in addition to good black hair turns coconut oil can also grow hair who experience mild baldness.
The content of vitamin E and the mineral oil height makes it a lot packed in medicinal herbal hair grower.
How to grow hair with coconut oil:
Take coconut oil to taste. When you do not have you can buy at the supermarket nearby.
Keramasi hair until it is completely clean, then apply the oil evenly throughout the scalp.
Allow to seep perfect if only 1 hour.
Rinse with cold water until clean.
5. walnut oil
If there is no olive oil and coconut, you can use hazelnut oil. Efficacy of three oil is actually almost the same, given the same nutritional content details.
Use hazelnut oil regularly before going to bed and after bathing in the morning to get bushy hair. In addition to nourish hair, hazelnut oil can also make hair shiny natural.
How to grow hair with hazelnut oil:
I suggest you buy walnut oil, do not make it your own.
After the oil is available, apply to all parts of the hair.
Massage briefly and let stand for about 30 menitan order to sew.
Had the already rinse with cold water until clean.
6. Leather apples
From now on do not waste ya apple skin. It has a high content of antioxidants that can help the circulation of blood.
Well if the blood circulation in the scalp smoothly, then a hair will grow fast. Combine olive oil with apple skin to get the best results.
How to grow hair with apple skin:
Puree apple skin as needed, keep fresh.
Mix with olive oil until slightly watery.
Apply evenly to all parts of the scalp.
Massage briefly approximately 15 seconds, then let stand 15 minutes.
After permeated rinse with cold water until clean.
Perform routine at least 4 times a week.
7. Aloe vera
Yup right, aloe vera. Most of us would have known herbs this one. Besides good for removing scars , apparently aloe vera with vitamin E and natural minerals are also effective to accelerate the growth of hair. You can prove yourself usefulness.
How to nourish hair with aloe vera:
Prepare fresh aloe vera, try freshly picked.
Take the gel in it. Then apply to all parts of the hair after shampooing is completed.
Close to permeate the hair by wearing a warm towel for 30-60 minutes. After that, rinse with cold water until completely clean.
You can do this on a regular basis two days.
8. Urang aring
It is extremely difficult to find a plant Eclipta prostrata. But you need not worry, because now a lot of really selling oil Eclipta prostrata, especially in the traditional markets.
Almost the same as aloe vera, Eclipta prostrata is an herb that is good enough to grow hair. In order to get the best results you can use oil Eclipta prostrata regularly before going to bed and after bathing.
9. Green tea
Lately, green tea is quite popular among the people. According to some studies, green tea has antioxidant content 1000x fold higher than normal tea. The content of antioxidants is beneficial for blood circulation in the scalp.
How to grow hair with green tea:
Brewed green tea with warm water without added sugar whatsoever.
Once cool basuhkan all parts of the hair and let sit for approximately 30 minutes.
Had the pervasiveness rinse with cold water until clean.
You can perform routine 1 time a day after shower for best results.
10. Know the correct hair care
It is true that natural hair regrowth over worked. However, to prevent hair loss or other problems again, you better know how to care for the hair right.
Not all hair care too costly. Read more about how to care for your hair naturally can do yourself at home.
That's some way to grow hair naturally bald quickly that I can share this time. You do not need to use all natural ingredients above, just select the one you think you are the most simple.
If there are less obvious or just want to share experiences in the comments field to say yes. Do not forget to share this article if it helpful.
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