Healthy Foods for Young Pregnant Women to Eat

Food Healthy Pregnancy - Health and development of infants depends on what you eat foods while pregnant. When pregnant, you actually do not need to be as if a meal for two people. In fact, you only need to add about 300 extra calories, which is equivalent to one banana and a bowl of cereal with low-fat milk.

Only, of course to meet the nutritional needs of pregnant women should be of a variety of different types of food. For example, food calcium to build bones baby, folic acid prevents birth defects, and iron to help red blood cells carry oxygen to the fetus. If the nutrition of pregnant women is not met, then the consequences will be fatal to your heart fruit later.

Healthy food for young pregnant women

Healthy Foods for Pregnant Women Young

Did not want the pregnancy miscarried just for one meal? Therefore, let's know what foods and beverages that are healthy for pregnant women along with the following benefits.

1. Vegetables and fruit

Fruits and vegetables became a major component of healthy foods for pregnant women. Eat at least five servings of vegetables and fruits every day in order to get such diverse nutritional intake of vitamins, minerals, and fiber.

Green vegetables such as spinach and kale is strongly recommended, because it contains vitamins A, K, C, and folic acid are essential for eye health. As for fruit, you can eat bananas contain high iron .

2. Milk and other dairy products

Milk and other dairy products, such as yoghurt, are rich in calcium which is good for bone forming infants and pregnant women strengthens bones.

But wait, not all brands of milk of pregnant women was good, you know, you had to be more careful in choosing nutrient content therein.

Nice pregnant mother's milk it should at least contain nutrients including calcium, vitamin D , DHA, folic acid, and iron. Remember ya!

3. Lean meats, fish, and eggs

This food group contains animal protein which is useful to optimize the growth of the fetus, especially in the second and third trimesters during pregnancy.

Eggs are also enriched with choline that could support the development of the fetal brain as the body, and reduces the risk of neural tube defects. Meanwhile, salmon is rich in omega 3 to keep the mood of pregnant women and increase the intelligence of the fetus.

However, you should be more careful in eating salmon. To avoid exposure to mercury, it is recommended not to consume more than 340 grams of salmon a week. In addition, avoid meat that has been processed into sausages, because it may contain bacteria and parasites.

4. Nuts

Myths now circulating are pregnant women not eat peanuts, because it supposedly can cause allergies in babies she bladder. But in fact, until now no studies were able to prove the condition. The occurrence of allergies might be since he already has a history of allergy to nuts.

In fact, nuts instrumental in sufficient fiber pregnant women, so as to prevent constipation and hemorrhoids. In addition, food is also rich in calcium, folate, iron, and zinc which is certainly nice to give nutrition a fetus. Before eating nuts that any kind, you should know first what you are allergic history or not.

5. Food sources of carbohydrates

Whole wheat contains rich in nutrients, fiber, vitamin E, and selenium are good for support fetal development. These materials can you get, among others in brown rice, whole wheat bread, pasta, and oatmeal.

Carbohydrates are very important for pregnant women. Aside from being a source of energy, carbohydrates can also help optimize the body's metabolism. But remember, do not eat excessively well. Because after all, excessive carbohydrates will make you fat added.

6. Water

During pregnancy, you are advised to consume water at least 2.5 liters (about 10 cups) a day. Drinking enough water can prevent premature birth, hemorrhoids, kontipasi, excessive swelling, and bladder infections.

But if you feel nauseous drink water, you can replace it with juice, milk, or fruit that contains high water. The important thing is avoid drinks with excessive sugar, alcohol, soda, and other unhealthy drinks. In addition to the danger to the fetus, the drink also trigger diabetes .

7. Supplements

Despite eating a variety of foods, maybe you're still missing certain nutrients pregnant women. Vitamin supplements may be a solution to fulfill them.

One supplement that you can eat is the TTD (iron tablet) which has a content equivalent of 60 mg of elemental iron and 400 mcg folic acid. But before consuming it, better consult your doctor.

Meticulously Preparing Food Pregnant Women

Food processing itself can be the best way to preserve the quality and hygiene of food to be consumed. Here is a guide for mothers to prepare healthy meals at home pregnant women:

Healthy food for young pregnant women
Rinse your hands and various equipment that will be used to process food
Also wash all vegetables and fruits will be cooked so clean of soil may contain Toxoplasma
In order to avoid contamination ( such as campylobacter, salmonella , and E. coli)   separate storage of raw foods such as meat with food ready to eat in a refrigerator
Use a different cutting board for cutting raw meat for the same reasons above.
Cook the meat until completely cooked. Note well to leave no red color, especially for meat that is still covered with skin. Do the same thing when cooking eggs.
Know and avoid foods that should be avoided pregnant women , such as raw foods and liver.

As examples of pregnant women eating guide that you can use in the first trimester of pregnancy are as follows:

Healthy food for young pregnant women

Fruit juice
Fried rice
Sunny side up
Milk / dairy special pregnancy
vegetable Bening
Fish yellow spice
Fried tempe
Orange fruit
Corn bakwan
lettuce Fruit
Milk (at bedtime)

The food is healthy pregnant women above should be consumed every day until kehaliran later come. Do not forget accompanied by a healthy lifestyle such as exercising, getting enough sleep, and avoid the stress that pregnancy went smoothly.
Tag : Pregnant
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