This is the Five Types of Vegetables Good For Eye Health

This is the Five Types of Vegetables Good For Eye Health

Eye is one of the important organ that serves as a visual tool. In order to perform optimally, it requires the eye senses nutrients from the daily diet.

If the eyes of nutritional deficiencies, it may be possible health problems eyes. Some of them minus eye, eye cataracts, macular degeneration to occur.

If one of the common eye disorder happens to you, will certainly be very disturbing work and all the activities.

Almost all the activities that we do rely on the sense of eyesight. Therefore, it is advisable to consume vegetables that contain a compound important for eye health. Consider his explanations below.

Read also: Here's 5 Leaf Lettuce Benefit For Body Health

This is the fifth type Vegetables Good For Eye Health

1.Sayur Spinach

eye health
Lutein and zeaxanthin which is very good for eye health
Could no longer be denied if green vegetables like spinach has a myriad of health benefits for the body. Spinach contain nutrients vitamin C that prevents the body from disease Glaucoma.

Not only that, spinach also has lutein and zeaxanthin which is very good for maintaining eye health. Therefore, multiply the consumption of spinach.

2. Vegetable Broccoli

eye health
Vegetable broccoli is also rich in lutein and zeaxanthin are good for the eyes
Actually not much different vegetable broccoli with spinach are beneficial for eye health. Vegetable broccoli contains many nutrients lutein and zeaxanthin, is a nutrient that is essential for the sense of sight.

As for these two nutrients are useful both in protecting the eyes against radiasai sunshine as well as decrease the risk of eye cataracts outbreak.

3. Vegetable Carrots

eye health
Vegetable carrot is no doubt good for eye health
Perhaps this red vegetable is not in doubt for maintaining eye health. Name carrot itself deliberately invoked with the kind of vegetables rich in beta-carotene.

Not only that, the carrot also contains vitamin A which has an important role in keeping both eyes. Amazingly helpful carrot vegetable is good for removing free radicals in the body.

4. Tomato

Tomato does not belong to the family of vegetables. But tomatoes are often used as a complementary vegetables.

The type of content contained in tomatoes are vitamin A, which has a function in maintaining the health of the sense of sight.

In addition, tomatoes contain lots of vitamin C and lycopene which have an important role to the eye itself.

5. Vegetables Nuts

Some types of nuts eg almonds are rich in vitamin E and unsaturated fatty acids, so great for the heart organ.

He does not stop here, vegetables, nuts are also capable of protecting the eyes from free radical damage caused by sun exposure, even serves as the prevention of eye cataracts.


Maintaining eye health is a mandatory thing to do so that our eyes remain healthy. It helps us to choose the type of food that is suitable for children and adolescents, by providing highly nutritious vegetables.
Tag : Health
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