This is Leaf Lettuce 5 Benefit For Body Health

This is Leaf Lettuce 5 Benefit For Body Health

One of the greens are best eaten on a regular basis and have a good taste, and is often used as a material for vegetables are lettuce.

Lettuce usually often found in some dish fast food, such as burgers and kebabs, as one of the veggie mixture to balance the nutrients in fast food.

Behind the shape and color of fresh, turns lettuce also has a variety of benefits that are good for health.

This is because, lettuce is one of the types of foods that contain good for the body, such as protein, fiber, low blood sugar, iron, and many more.

If you are a fan of green vegetables this one, here are some of the benefits of lettuce is good for health.

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5 Benefits of Leaf Lettuce For Body Health

the benefits of lettuce
Leaf Lettuce Benefit For Body Health
1. Adding blood

Lettuce has a high iron content, such as spinach, is a food that can be used to increase the blood.

Lettuce can be one veggie option for those who have the problem of shortage of blood, because of high levels of iron, usually lettuce is often recommended for consumption for people with anemia.

2. Helps cope with diabetes

In addition, lettuce is also very good for health in overcoming diabetes because it has a low sugar content.

Diabetes is one of a very dangerous disease, especially if blood sugar is not well controlled. Therefore, the lettuce is very well taken by diabetics.

3. Prevent canker sores

High vitamin C content in lettuce, turned out very well to prevent ulcers. As is well known, that thrush can be caused because the body lacks vitamin C.

Therefore, other sources of vitamin C that can be selected is a green lettuce leaf.

4. Reduce the risk of disability womb

Lettuce also has a high content of vitamin K, making it useful as a food ingredient that can help reduce the risk of womb defects. Therefore, the lettuce is very well taken by pregnant women.

5. Neutralize the toxins in the body

Consumption of lettuce is good for the body, also you can feel as one of the foodstuffs that could serve to neutralize toxins in the body.

High mineral content in lettuce, will be very useful in neutralizing the toxins in the body. So the natural detoxification, you can get by just eating lettuce leaves on a regular basis.


Thus some of the benefits of lettuce for health which we can pass. In addition, there are many more benefits both for health lettuce and hopefully useful.
Tag : Health
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